Complete with info graphics and a real-life case study, the article below provides the most relevant information needed to understand what a self-directed solo 401(k) is, how it works, and how it can help reduce the tax liability of eligible people with income from self-employment.
The Texas Society of CPA’s bimonthly magazine, Today’s CPA, released the online and print version of their March/April issue which features an article that I wrote: “Self-Directed Solo 401(k) retirement plans: The underutilized efficiency-maximizer.” Today’s CPA is one of the most highly respected publications dedicated to CPAs and other tax professionals, so I am incredibly honored that they allowed me the opportunity to deliver important information about Self Directed Solo 401(k)s to their readers.
Click on the link, above, or the images, below, to read the full article online.
It's not too late to adopt and contribute to a Self-Directed Solo 401(k) to help with your 2021 tax liability. Learn more about the Solo 401(k) deadlines. Schedule a call to learn more.