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Nashional Self-Directed

Solo 401(k), IRA and Cash Balance
Retirement Plan Providers 

Maximize tax-efficiencies and broaden your retirement investment options.

Retirement plans that we specialize in:

Business Owner

Self-Directed Solo 401(k)

Tax-advantaged retirement savings designed specifically for those who earn income from self-employment and have no full-time W-2 employees other than their spouse or business partner. 

Loving Mature Couple

Self-Directed IRA

Similar to traditional IRAs, but allows for diversified investment options into alternatives, such as real estate.


Cash Balance Pension Plans

Ideal for business owners who earn a high income by themselves or in a small group, such as attorney or doctors offices, and want to maximize their tax-deferred retirement savings.  



Nashional Self-Directed has been featured in:

Quoted in - Self Directed Solo 401k Provider - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
Todays CPA - Self Directed Solo 401k article by Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
The Daily CPA - Tax savings with Solo 401k - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed


Udemy Course about Self Directed Solo 401k - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
Quote in Carol Roth - Solo 401(k) - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
Tax tips for freelancers - Solo 401k - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
Tax Tips for Freelancers - Quoted In Make a Living Writing - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed.png
Global CPE Course Provider.png
CPA Academy Course Provider - Solo 401k - Whitney Nash - Nashional Self-Directed
Noobpreneur Small Business Owner Loan Option - Solo 401k - Whitney Nash


5900 S. Lake Forest Dr., Ste #380, McKinney, TX 75070

855-627-4466 X:3 |

Business hours in Central Time:

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 5:00

Friday: 9:00 - 4:00

After hours: by appointment only.

Discuss your Options

To schedule a phone call, click here:

Or, for a quick question that can be answered by email, please use the contact form, below.

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Nashional Self-Directed does not offer tax, accounting, legal or investment advice. Please consult with the appropriately licensed or certified processional if these services are needed.

The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Pricing is subject to change at any time. 


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